Formation | A rule-based JavaScript Form Validation Library

Rule-based, cross-browser, client side HTML form validation library written in JavaScript

Project maintained by ozzyogkush Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Supported Element Types:


Default Available rules:

Note: In the DOM, all rules are prefixed by data-fv. The default rule does not require an attribute on the DOM element. All rules are processed with AND logic and thus validation will fail if any requested rule fails.

Note: Checkbox rules are applied to elements with the same name attribute. Such input elements are typically grouped into a container element. This element is the one that receives the required and any rule attributes. It is also here that you specify the name attribute of the checkboxes being validated, EG, if the name of your inputs are someSetOfInputs, your attribute on the container would be:


Other Options:

Linked Input

The linked input option allows the user to link the visibility and validation checking of a separate element with the checked state of a single checkbox. To use, add the attribute data-fv-linked-input to the checkbox. Its value should be the ID of the element that you want to manage. This can be useful when you only care about another input element when the user indicates a specific option.

Note: The linked input may be part of a form group which contains other elements that need to be shown or hidden along with the linked element. If that’s the case, the ‘hidden’ class only applies to the form group. If that’s not the case, the linked element itself applies the ‘hidden’ class. (See domNavigationStamp.getLinkedElement()).


See a live example.

  <script type="text/javascript" src="formation.min.js"></script>
  <form data-formation="1">
      <label for="dogs">
        Dogs: <input type="checkbox" name="favoriteAnimals" id="dogs" value="dogs">
      <label for="cats">
        Cats: <input type="checkbox" name="favoriteAnimals" id="cats" value="cats">
      <label for="birds">
        Birds: <input type="checkbox" name="favoriteAnimals" id="birds" value="birds">
      <label for="cats">
        Other (please specify): <input type="checkbox" data-fv-linked-input="otherAnimal" name="favoriteAnimals" id="other" value="other">
        <div class="form-group hidden">
          Other Animal: 
            disabled="disabled" />