Formation | A rule-based JavaScript Form Validation Library

Rule-based, cross-browser, client side HTML form validation library written in JavaScript

Project maintained by ozzyogkush Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Contributing to Formation

Requirements for Development

After installing NodeJS (and its package manager yarn), run yarn install to install dependencies.


This project uses the Github Flow. We will accept pull requests from branches (other than master) on your own repository. All pull requests will be code reviewed. New features must include, at minimum, unit test cases. Unit tests must also be updated for any changes to existing features.

  1. Fork your own copy of the the Formation repository to your GitHub account
  2. Checkout the master branch in your fork and pull the latest changes from upstream master
  3. Create a new branch from master
  4. Run yarn install to add all dependencies
  5. Add your changes and unit tests
  6. Update Documentation
  7. Open a terminal to your project folder
  8. Run automated tests with grunt test
  9. When ready, run grunt build to create distribution files
  10. Commit changes and push your branch
  11. Create a pull request of your forked branch into the Formation master branch

Grunt tasks:

Tools Used in Development and Testing

The below tools will be installed as dependencies: