Formation | A rule-based JavaScript Form Validation Library

Rule-based, cross-browser, client side HTML form validation library written in JavaScript

Project maintained by ozzyogkush Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Custom Rules

You can add a custom rule to any supported element type using:

Formation.registerRule(elementType, ruleName, ruleCallbackMethod) 

You can then use that rule on a supported element by adding data-fv-{ruleName}="{valueToCheck}".

Example at-least-n-capitals:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="formation.min.js"></script>
  <form data-formation="1">
    <input type="text" 
           data-fv-at-least-n-capitals="5" />
<script type="text/javascript">
  Formation.registerRule('text', 'at-least-n-capitals', function(element, attribute) {
    var n = element.getAttribute(attribute);
    var capitals = element.value.match(/([A-Z])/g);
    return capitals !== null && capitals.length >= n;

Detecting Events

When the validation state of a registered form - or an input element inside a registered form - has changed (eg from false to true or vice-versa), it will trigger a validity-changed.formation event. You can listen for this event to handle custom logic: eg changing visual state indicators (success vs error), making an AJAX call, whatever your application requires.


var formValid = document.getElementById('form-valid');
Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('form')).forEach(function(form) {
  form.addEventListener(Formation.getValidityChangedEventName(), function() {
    // ... Do stuff when the FORM's validity has changed

    .forEach(function(field) {
      field.addEventListener(Formation.getValidityChangedEventName(), function(event) {
        // ... Do stuff when an individual required/optional form element's validity has changed